Research and Interests

My primary research centers on issues in contemporary epistemology. But I work in other areas too. More specifically, I have interests in philosophy of science, philosophy of language, ethics, political philosophy, and philosophy of religion.

My research spans across traditional, formal, and social epistemological issues. Here are some topics in which I have interest:
  • The Fallibilism/Infallibilism debate (relatedly: whether knowledge is evidence) 
  • The aim of inquiry
  • The epistemic norm of assertion
  • Pragmatic encroachment
  • The epistemic significance of unpossessed evidence
  • The epistemic significance of purely statistical evidence
  • The relationship between practical and epistemic reasons
Click here for some of my papers on these topics that are under development. 
You might also find me working on the epistemology of groups. Specifically, I have an interest in the suggestion that groups can have beliefs and, if so, whether we can evaluate them epistemically in the way that we evaluate individual beliefs (on which see my On Group Background Beliefs)